A PDF of this article is available for download at the bottom. 

1.    The process for the 2nd instance of Verbit is entirely manual.

2.    Prior to completing this process, you must be added as a user to the second instance (see Stephen McBroom or Cindy Edwards).

3.    You will need the .mp4 video(s) that need captioning.

4.    Navigate to users.verbit.co

5.    Log into Verbit. Use your HSC email. Create a password if necessary. Click on UNT Health Science Center to go to the second instance of Verbit. The second instance ends in "Events." The video titles also do not follow the guidelines in the primary instance.

6.    Click the blue upload button in the lower right corner.

7.    Click the blue page in the middle of the window to select the videos for upload. Navigate and select the needed videos. Multiple videos can be uploaded at one time. Once the videos are selected, click the blue Upload button on the lower right.

8.    Once uploaded, select the profile “Caption-3 Business Day” (1). Scroll to the bottom of the window and add the applicable labels (i.e. Microcredential, Compliance, etc.) (2). Click Confirm. PLEASE NOTE: If you need English/Spanish captions, please see Cindy Edwards or Stephen McBroom.

9.    While processing you will see “Work in progress” (1). When it is completed, you will see “Downloaded” (2). 

10.   Click on the desired video title, which will open in a new window.

11.    In the new window, click Download>Captions

        a.    Any of the file types will work, but SRT is the recommended file type.

        b.    Click Download

12.    Navigate to the original Mediasite video

13.    Click Edit>Delivery>Manual Upload>Select a file

        a.    Navigate to Downloads and click on the caption file downloaded from Verbit then select the language (English US).

14.    Click Save, which returns you to the video’s Summary tab.

a.    Play the video to ensure the captions loaded properly.


Success! You have manually captioned a Mediasite video!