Accessibility Features for Microsoft Windows

From 4/2024



This page lists sight-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. Support is available for persons who are blind, have low vision, and vision disability, such as color blindness. 


This page lists hearing-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. Support is available for persons with are deaf and hard of hearing. 


This page lists mobility-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. Support is available for persons with limited reach, strength, or dexterity or physical or mobility disabilities. 


This page lists neurodiversity-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. Content is made accessible for people with a health condition such as dyslexia, seizures, autism, ADHD, or other cognitive disabilities. 


This page lists learning-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. Support is available for persons who have learning disabilities and dyslexia or anyone who wants to make the learning experience on their device easier or more diverse.