Accessibility Features for Android Devices

From 4/2024

Open the Accessibility menu on your Android device to explore the features that can be enabled. You can also explore Google Play for accessibility apps.


Audio support features

Live Transcribe: when activated captures speech and sound atext on your screenThe text can be saved.  Use Live Transcribe 

Live Caption: captions videos, podcasts, and audio messages. Use Live Caption 

Sound Amplifier: amplifies and boost sound, filter background noise, and fine tune to how you hear. Use Sound Amplifier 

Hearing aid support: built-in support for streaming media and calls directly to hearing aids. Uses Bluetooth low energy so that you can stream longer. Connect hearing aids to your device 

Flash Notifications: Alerts Smartphone user of app notifications using the camera flash.  Turn on Flash notifications 

Sound Notifications: Your smartphone will alert you to specific sounds like smoke alarm, your dog, doorbell, washing machine beep, etc.and you can choose how to get notified. Sound Notifications 


Vision support features

Voice Access: Let’s you control your Android device with your voice.  Install and turn on Voice Access 

Talkback: fully interact with what is on your screen through sound and touch. TalkBack 

Lookout: Uses your camera to identify objects, images and text around you. 

Magnification: make text and icons larger and easier to see. 

Color correction: calibrate colors on your phone so it is easier to distinguish between them. 


Mobility support features

Switch AccessPlug in your adaptive switch or turn the front-facing camera into an adaptive tool for facial gesturesSet up Switch Access 

Voice Access: use your voice to open apps, navigate between screens, type messages, and edit text.  

Action Blocks: Google Play app that creates customizable buttons on your home screen to make routine actions easier. Action Blocks