A PDF of this article is available at the end.
- Go to the PHAR_accommodation request spreadsheet.
- OneDrive>DAI>Accessibility>Accommodations
- At the beginning of each semester, the accommodation office provides a list of the courses with the captioning accommodation.
- As soon as it is available in the Mediasite course folder, the videos for the semester are listed in the PHAR_accommodation spreadsheet.
The Mediasite PHAR courses are found at Mediasite>Accounts and Courses>System College of Pharmacy>PHAR>[select the needed semester]
- (1) You will notice that the length of each course is generally the same length. However, it still needs to be verified with each video.
- (2) Title of the video as it is listed in Mediasite.
- (3) The date the video is scheduled.
- (4) The date the captions are on the video in Mediasite. Always visually confirm that the captions are functioning. Viewing the beginning of the video is sufficient.
- (5), (6), (7), (8): You only have to enter a date here if you need to MANUALLY process the captions. For the manual captioning process, see the Manual Process for Captioning Solution.
- Color legend:
- Green – captioning process is complete
- Blue – videos were not recorded
- Yellow – videos are in process
- Orange – video issue (i.e. no audio)
Daily Process
- Generally each morning is sufficient to monitor the PHAR videos.
- Open the PHAR spreadsheet
- Open the Mediasite PHAR semester folder
- Verify that the videos listed on the spreadsheet
- (1) Were recorded
- Have transferred to Verbit
- These videos will need to be approved in Verbit for captioning
- OR (2) have completed the captioning process is complete
- Document accordingly on spreadsheet
- (1) Were recorded
- If a video from the previous day has not transferred to Verbit for captioning, you will need to process it manually. Click the link above for the Manual Process for Captioning Solution.
- NOTE: If an entire video is missing audio, the course director needs to be emailed. Since the captioning is for an accommodation, videos with no audio must be rerecorded by the instructor.