1. Open the Accessibility icon under Tools in Acrobat. This will open a new list of menu items. The two most valuable features are:
    1. Autotag Document. This automatically tags your document for improved accessibility.
    2. Set Alternate Text to add a brief description to an image if needed, otherwise mark as decorative figure.

2. Under the File tab, go to Properties, make sure to do the following in each of the tabs:

Description tab:  add title of the document in the Title box

Initial View tab: under Window Options, Show: Document Title

Advanced tab: under Reading Options, set to Language: English

Fixing these items will yield a pretty good accessibility score. However, if you wish to investigate more accessibility issues with your document, run the Accessibility Check option on the Accessibility menu to get an accessibility report.

To get more information on creating accessible PDFs, go to the link below.

Creating Accessible PDFs

Here Is a video on how to tweak the tags in a PDF for more accessibility. 

Created by UNTHSC Division of Academic Innovation

Last updated April 23, 2024