NOTE: To upload large files to MyMediasite, please use this direct link!

NEXT STEPS: How do I add Closed Captions to my video? | How do I embed a video into a course page?


Navigate any Canvas course where you have Teacher or Course Coordinator permissions and click on My Mediasite (under Course Settings on the right) button, and then click Authorize. (If you get an error message, try switching to Google Chrome as your browser.)


Click on the Add Presentation button, and click Upload Video.


Locate the file you wish to upload and click open. A dialogue will open, where you will need to enter a Presentation Title and optionally a description.

The destination should be left as My Drafts.

Click on the Create Presentation button to complete.


At the next screen, your video will be shown as Currently Working. Mediasite is now converting your video into a web format. This will take some time, depending on the size and length of your video.


Click on Edit Details to the right of the video to edit. Make sure to title the video according to the naming standard: course title.

example: BMSC.5302.Anatomy of a chromosome

This makes videos easy to find and distinguish from each other, especially when you run analytics.

Optionally, you can also edit the Description, add Tags or add/change other information. See this article for a more detailed instruction.


The default behaviour is that any newly uploaded videos are only viewable by you and no-one else, as indicated by the Who Can View? slide bar.

Change the Who Can View? slider to My Organization, allowing anyone at HSC to view the video.